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 Postgraduate Director’s Welcome

Hi All


Welcome to the postgraduate (JD & LLM) corner of the Monash Law Students’ Society’s (‘LSS’) website! Here you’ll find all the information you need about both postgraduate-specific events and initiatives, as well as those run in conjunction with the undergraduate portfolios. 


The LSS has dedicated postgraduate portfolios for Activities, Competitions, Education and Administration; and has combined portfolios with the undergraduate committee for Careers and Social Justice & Equity. 


The LSS aims to provide high-quality events and programs for Monash Law students to enrich the student experience. We also represent and advocate on behalf of students and provide support to take the next step beyond law studies.


Our office is located on level 2 of the Monash University Law Chambers, where you can drop by to purchase merchandise, pick up a free copy of our flagship publication, the ‘Postgraduate Guide’, ask questions or simply stop for a chat. 

To stay up to date on all the latest initiatives and opportunities, sign up to become a member to receive our fortnightly newsletter.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at


Oliver Scholast

2024 Postgraduate Director

Monash Law Students’ Society


For all things Monash Law, read our Postgraduate Guide here!



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